Sunday, May 29, 2011

An Ode to Engineering life

            It was quite a rainy day when i first entered Nitte 4 years back(i guess it must have been Saturday) for my Ist year admission ..Upon that the college appeared to be so far off  that i started to dread about travelling daily.. But somewhere in gut of my mind there was a stark question pestering me "What will be the life here once i join?,who will be my friends?".. Each and everyone seemed to be a stranger... So on the day of admission i completed the formalities and was ready to move out when i met a guy who too had come for his admissions.. So i spoke to him for some minutes and then left Nitte.. But to my surprise when i attended my Ist year class i found this same guy who i had met a few days back being seated.. My joy knew no bounds thinking that at least i know someone in the class.. and  this guy was none other than Ashwin Shetty....First Year was really a nice time though it took some time to get adjusted to all new people around.. 

           Studying hard was kind of a motto in first 2 sem's(though it got completely reversed in coming sem's :P).. The Daily college bus trips was kind of a scary one because of fear of ragging(but 3 years of going in Nitte "Airbus" was worth every nickel cause that was the time i made some very good friends) .. Being a Day-Scholar meant 1hr travelling which was the one thing i hated the most... The moment of craziness had struck me during the Mech workshop.. Here i was see-sawing a metal piece thinking to myself,how the hell does cutting a metal piece qualify as lab,but it was fun as the classes progressed as we could chat up a lot during workshop's.. Between this time i came to know a lot of guys especially laveen,nagaraj,anup ma,venki as they too were day scholar's like me..

             So when the time came to join respective branches i was quite happy to know that many of my first year classmates were in Info Science.. Enter 2nd year,this was the time i really felt i learnt a lot(no no studies does not qualify :P).. For the Ist time in my life i got thrown out of the class by our (deadlaak)HOD courtesy of nagaraj.. I was so shit scared cauz he threatened me with TC and other things.. Ha,ha things that seemed so serious in beginning can be so funny in the end.. :D Even pleading didn't work, so finally after missing 2 or 3 classes i was finally let in.. Missing classes during initial engineering days was considered by me  as quite a sin(i must admit here that i was completely unaware of something called bunking).. Then got to know Ashok Sir during 2nd year who was really a strange guy with his own style of teaching...Even 2nd year was kind of fun,but the disaster was yet to strike in coming sem's... 

              During our 3rd year time the schedule was kind of becoming too hectic with 6 classes,3 labs + mini project.. This was the time we were introduced to Mr Vasudeva Pai( the crazy Micro lecturer, his nickname was Tiger for the reason how he used to trouble us) oh! how i hated his classes, the 1hr scene was like being captured by Enemy Soldiers and tortured till u own up... His surprise tests,daily questions made me to read daily 5 minutes before his every class.. :P The 5th sem exam papers were deadliest of all.. The funny thing was after every exam was we used to come out and calculate whether 40 is attainable or not.. Never had such a situation happened when we struggled for pass marks.. All this made made sense because we were first autonomous batch and all the crazy rules were experimented upon us.. Even in the 6th sem the same story continued though with mention of Pragathi madam who was frustrated with us so much that she may have thought of quitting teaching once in for all ..

           So after 3 year's of engineering i just wanted  to get the hell out of the college regardless of anything.. But everything changed around once I entered 4th year,now we were the senior's.. Our position seemed to have quite elevated.. Now i could manage around any situations while sessionals were a strictly one-night-study-write-something  activities... Placements started as soon in middle of 7th sem's, and quite a number of guys were placed.. Final sem's starting month was full on packed with placement matters.. Literally quite everyone got placed in various companies... The atmosphere was kind of like finally after 4 years of slogging out,getting one's asses burnt we have finally achieved something.. And the best part of final sem was project labs.. This was time where we could chill out,talk and laugh on various  matters,and also focus on project... :P So after 4 years of being in Nitte when i look back at the time passed by it makes me more happier to know that this blissful times are quite cherished for life.. The friends i made here,the days when I spent day dreaming in class,bunking for no reason,discussing non-sense topics with friends,teasing or pulling someone's leg are like the best things to have happened being in Nitte... But nothing is constant in life.. Every beginning has to have an end.. This blog post is dedicated to all my friends without whom life in Nitte would have been worthless.. This is me signing off with one last message saying "Hope I get to relieve those days again"...


Ashwin Shetty said...

After reading this my mind is full of engeneering incidents.
I'm also the first one to comment :)

Harshit said...

he,he no wonder ashwin so many incidents.. cant be forgotten so easily... :)

anusia said...

Very funny and adventurous life you have. But I dont have any such experiences, So I loved your post.

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